Academic research often aims to make the world a better place. While this engagement with policy makers may be beneficial for producing more informed policy choices, it can also raise ethical challenges. Policy engagement can be between scholars and policy consequential actors at many levels of government, as well as in civil society, in the commercial sector, and in the public. With generous support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Josef Korbel School's Sié Chéou-Kang Center at the University of Denver encourages critical reflection and dialogue around the ethical concerns that arise when scholars engage with different policy audiences.

On this site, you can ask an anonymous question about an ethical challenge you face, browse the questions and answers others have posed, access essays reflecting on personal challenges members of our community have faced, and examine data and analysis we have collected over the course of our project.


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Resources for furthering your knowledge

Anonymous Q&A

Ask or answer a question about an ethical challenge

Ethics of Engagement