Tricia Olsen is associate dean of undergraduate programs and associate professor in the Department of Business Ethics and Legal Studies. She is also the Marcus Faculty Fellow. Olsen teaches and studies about the political economy of development in emerging economies, with a focus on Latin America. In addition to publishing widely in business ethics, management and political science outlets, she has consulted for the United Nations Business & Human Rights Working Group and the World Bank, among other organizations. She is the co-director of the Daniels-Korbel Global Business and Corporate Social Responsibility Certificate.
Olsen’s book project, Varieties of Remedy: How Contestation Shapes Governance for Corporate Human Rights Abuses in Latin America, is based on her ongoing efforts to systematically collect data on corporate human rights violations, the Corporations and Human Rights Database. In addition to her co-authored book, Transitional Justice in Balance: Comparing Processes, Weighing Efficacy (also translated to Spanish), additional published work can be found in numerous outlets, including Organization Studies, Business Ethics Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Peace Research, and the International Journal of Transitional Justice. Olsen’s work has been supported by the Carnegie Corporation, British Academy, Fulbright-Hays, USAID, Carnegie Foundation, United States Institute of Peace, and Zennstrom Philanthropies, among others. Professor Olsen received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.