Arms length writing for policy audiences

Engaging With Policymakers

The challenges: The background and policy setting: The goals of my policy engagement have been to learn: 1) why and how economic policy thinking, and practice shifts after crises and failures; 2) how institutions deal with evidence of the limits of their expertise, which are often made visible in the context of such crises; 3)

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Engaging to Reform U.S. Democracy Promotion

Background and Policy Setting Catherine Herrold studies how local civic actors—including nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), grassroots groups, and philanthropic foundations—promote economic development and democratic political reform. Her first book project examined how leaders of Egyptian NGOs and foundations understood the concept of “democracy” and promoted it in the wake of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings. In

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Engaging on the Creation of Cybersecurity Norms

The challenge: How to advise on complex phenomena (creating cybersecurity norms) when the narrative surrounding them is oversimplified. The background and policy setting: Martha Finnemore is a noted expert on norms in international relations. Around 2010 she was enlisted to help develop norms around cybersecurity. Recognizing the difficulty of generating “harder” law or treaties in

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Ethics of Engagement